UNICEF states the literacy rate in Ethiopia of youth ages 15-24 years of age is 55%, with the adult literacy rate being even lower 39%. As you can well imagine, these rates are considerably lower in Korah, the poorest town in Ethiopia. As long as educational opportunities are not available for the poorest individuals (due to the financial burden) the literacy rate will never improve and the poverty rate will continue to increase.
Rather than bringing in help from outside the community we are reaching into the community to find our teachers. Our Literacy Support initiative is bringing together those within the community who desire to learn to read and write with those who already have such knowledge. We are empowering the people of Korah to utilize their skills to make a change in their community. The Caring For Korah center provides a safe, quiet place to learn and, through your giving, workbooks and other supplies are provided at no cost to those who have a genuine desire to learn and rise out of poverty.
Give Now to help raise the literacy rate in Ethiopia.